What is body psychotherapy?
Body psychotherapy is a branch of therapy that focuses on the interactions between the body and the mind.
Body psychotherapy is founded on the belief that the body and mind are connected and work in functional unity.
It is a versatile therapy that draws from several branches of science and psychology, and it incorporates touch, breathing and movement techniques to address a wide range of mental and physical health concerns.
How Does It Work?
Body psychotherapy is based on the concept that people experience the world not only through their thoughts and emotions but also simultaneously through their bodies.
This approach to treatment is considered to be more experiential than traditional forms of therapy. Among its influences are Gestalt psychology, dance therapy, art therapy, family systems, biology, neurology, and Far Eastern philosophy.
Essential Concepts of Body Psychotherapy
Body-mind: Perhaps the most foundational concept of body psychotherapy, the body-mind represents the embodied integration of thoughts, feelings, and physical bodily experiences and sensations. During body psychotherapy, all parts of a person can be accessed at various points in the treatment in order to effectively and holistically address concerns.
Armouring and Character: Armouring is a concept developed by Reich. Reich believed that people develop systems of bodily “armour,” or muscle tension/rigidity, in order to protect themselves from emotional and physical pain. Reich believed that these sets of armour contribute to the development of a person’s “character." Reicho developed five character types to use during assessment.
Energy: The concept of energy is central to the application of body psychotherapy. Energy stored in and released from the body plays an important role in how people carry themselves, experience and heal from pain, and interact with the world. Things like energy flow and release, muscle pulsation and contraction, and energy charge and discharge are all things body psychotherapists pay attention to throughout treatment.
Body Memory: This is the premise that memories can actually be stored within the body. Body psychotherapists believe that because of this, some memories cannot be processed through talk therapy, but that these traumatic memories and problematic tension can often be released through bodywork and other physical techniques.
Trauma: Body psychotherapy’s concept of trauma aligns with that of body memory, proposing that traumatic experiences can create energy build-up, or blockages, that lead to physical and mental health concerns.
What is Biodynamic Massage?
Biodynamic massage is the name given to the range of therapeutic and relaxing specialised methods developed by Gerda Boyesen, Norwegian psychologist, and physiotherapist. These methods are effective in the treatment and relief of many physiological and psychological conditions. It can be a complete treatment in itself, its aim being the integration of all aspects of self.
I trained and subsequently qualified in a large repertoire of biodynamic massages through Cambridge Body Psychotherapy Centre, each massage technique possessing its own unique set of movements and intentions. I may suggest biodynamic on its own during a session or, as an accompaniment to body psychotherapy, as I tune into you and your body in that moment.
A massage given using a Stethoscope
Biodynamic massages are done using a stethoscope placed under the navel of the client. Listening to the response of the digestive track to the massage allows the therapist to attune the massage in order to reach and liberate the accumulation of energy, fluids and stress products stored in the contracted tissues and stimulate the body’s self-regulation.
The ideas behind biodynamic massage rest on certain theoretical ideas:
There is a direct and symbiotic link between emotional stress and chronic muscular tension
Chronic tensions accumulate whenever emotional release and spontaneity are inhibited
In a totally relaxed state the organism is capable of discharging nervous tensions via its metabolic process
All people have the capacity to self-heal
Who can benefit from biodynamic massage?
Biodynamic massage is beneficial to a range of people including those with stress, IBS, muscle tension, migraines, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and low immunity. Additionally, biodynamic massage is beneficial to people who have experienced physical and emotional trauma. Biodynamic can be used for anyone seeking a better connection between mind and body.